How getting a seat on a local train is similar to shaping your future?

3 min readJul 12, 2020

All of us might have traveled on the local train. I hope it was a good experience for you. I am kidding right! Anyway, we all know that getting a seat there is the most difficult task ever, just like shaping your future.

Image Source: Freepik

Why is there a need to “shape” one’s future ?

Ever get the feeling that you have chosen the wrong career. From a doctor’s daydreamer to the right night breaker, you fell at a different place, but still, you are happy! Thus, the need to shake up your career isn’t always obvious. Sometimes, you love the people you work with and haven’t even considered a move or you’re so busy at something that you haven’t taken a moment to ask yourself, “Is this where I want to be?” You might, however, be missing a few key signs that it’s time to leave for the next step in your career.

You must be thinking about why is it important to shape the career even though we are happy at what we are doing. That makes sense. But you can grow in the same place and proliferate your happiness. Now does that make sense? The need to shape your future is to set goals, plan and work accordingly, be happy, and make your further journey more comfortable.

How to get a seat on a local train?

I guess you have understood that your life is a local train, beautifully messed up. And getting a seat is like shaping your future. To achieve it, you need to make the right moves. Vision casting and drafting detailed plans are the obvious action items. They’re important to the overall process, but they do not paint the full picture.

Got your seat, how to save it?

  • Plan accordingly: As per your goals and standards, Identify objectives, and establish benchmarks to track your elite future.
  • Organize it: It simply means to go as per the plan.
  • Directing and moving: To save your seat is the obstacle. Kill your obstacles and keep moving and do not stop. You know the saying; keep your eyes on the prize? Well, it’s applicable here. If you don’t remain focused on a goal you’re not as likely to achieve it. But, sometimes new and better solutions will present themselves, and in 365 days, additional options are bound to pop up. Remain open to them, weigh the options, and move forward with the one that makes the most sense.

Now what? Enjoy!

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